Wizard Chan, a highly skilled and renowned Nigerian afro-pop musician, has finally released his eagerly anticipated vocals, “Wana Wana Ma,” and he...
Wizard Chan, a multi-talented, extravagant, one-of-a-kind, and extremely creative solo composer in the recording industry, composed and published the most current single,...
Wizard Chan, a phenomenally talented Nigerian reggae performer and songwriter, produced the next amazing song, “Journey.” The currently released song off his...
A talented young singer from Nigeria named Excess Van recently released the captivating new song “Prophecy,” which is a critically hailed blockbuster...
The amazing and extraordinary jaw-dropping hit “Piano Anthem” was released by legendary singer and incredibly talented disc jockey and composer DJ Kaysmart....
Magnito is a very talented Nigerian singer and stage performer. “Evidence” is his most recent, breathtaking smash. He enlisted the help of...
Cameroon’s Prince Aimé makes a triumphant comeback with a thrilling new remix of his hit song “Viviane,” featuring an incredible group of...
“Jah Love” collaborated with Peruzzi, a new and incredibly creative Nigerian musician, to create yet another successful blockbuster hit in the sound...
The most captivating song by the incredibly talented Nigerian songwriter and composer FAVE, who has gained admirers worldwide, is “No Games.” Furthermore,...
The latest infectious hit by BackRoad Gee, a well-known and highly appreciated Gambian-British singer and composer, is “Nyege Lewa.” The gorgeous new...
Famous Ghanaian singer-songwriter Kojo Blak has taken the audio world by storm with his incredible new song, “Rugged 2.0.” Olivetheboy, a gifted...
The new dynamic, captivating, alluring, and surprising hit song “My Letter To God (Ghetto Gospel)” was created by the imaginative and innately...
“Kamakaze (Live Performance),” another brand-new, converting, blazing, and lovely smash track, was just launched by the renowned Pheelz, a dynamic, remarkable, wonderful,...
The world is going crazy about Nigerian musician HotKeed (formerly HotKid) brand-new, exciting, alluring, and stunning song “Rules of Life.” He worked...
Olamide, a dynamic, Uber-talented Nigerian music sensation, has produced an amazing, catchy remix song called “Hello Habibi (Remix).” Additionally, the new smoldering...