Wizard Chan, a highly skilled and renowned Nigerian afro-pop musician, has finally released his eagerly anticipated vocals, “Wana Wana Ma,” and he...
Wizard Chan, a multi-talented, extravagant, one-of-a-kind, and extremely creative solo composer in the recording industry, composed and published the most current single,...
Wizard Chan, a phenomenally talented Nigerian reggae performer and songwriter, produced the next amazing song, “Journey.” The currently released song off his...
The release of “Time Traveler,” by Wizard Chan, one of rave of the moment most well-known singers. All you need to do...
Listeners will be blown away by the multi-talented Nigerian singer and musician Wizard Chan new captivating album, “Traveler’s Interlude.” All you need...
Wizard Chan, a well-known and poignant Nigerian musician and record producer, has released a new song called Timeless (Until My Destiny Comes)....